Please read the following attached pdf from FROM THE OFFICE OF THE MINISTER
Letter and leaflet from the Education Minister
Please find attached a letter and leaflet from the Education Minister regarding the re-opening of schools. DE has published further guidance today. I will provide you with detailed information in relation to KPS next week with regard to what the new school day will look like including timings, routines, school bags and lunch boxes, school meals, transport and the protective ‘bubble’ approach etc.
In the meantime here are a few points which will hopefully answer your immediate questions:
- P2-7 pupils will return to school on Monday 24th – Friday 28th August from 9am – 12.15pm. (Pick up and drop off times will be given to you next week.) No dinners will be provided. Please send a healthy snack for mid-morning break in a disposable bag / container.
- Pupils should wear school uniform including black school shoes.
- No school bags will be needed during the week commencing 24th August.
- Please send in hand sanitisers, tissues and wipes as detailed on your back to school list.
- School will be closed on Monday 31st August for the Bank Holiday and normal school hours will apply from Tuesday 1st September 2020.
- Separate information will be provided next week for the new P1 pupils and our LSC and ASC pupils.
Leaflet To Parents